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Программируемый логический контроллер GE Fanuc IC698PSD300

Программируемый логический контроллер GE Fanuc IC698PSD300#1
Программируемый логический контроллер GE Fanuc IC698PSD300
Ma'lumotlar yangilandi: 14.12.2020


Specifications Nominal Rated Voltage: 24 VDC Input Voltage Range: 18 to 30 VDC Input Power: 430 watts (typical), 550 watts (maximum) Inrush current (cold start, 24 VDC) 100 amps maximum Output Requirements Output Power: 300 watts maximum (total for all 3 outputs) Output Voltage: +5 VDC: 4.875 to 5.25 volts, 0 to 50 amps +12 VDC: 11.64 to 12.6 volts, 0 to 10 amps –12 VDC: –12.60 to –11.64 volts, 0 to 4 amps Isolation, input to all outputs 250 VAC continuous; 1500 VAC for 1 minute Protective Limits: Overvoltage Limit: +5 VDC Output: 5.7 to 6.7 volts +5 VDC output: 65 A typical +12 VDC output: 15 A typical Overcurrent Limit: –12 VDC output: 6 A typical Ride-through (time allowed for loss of input power without affecting DC outputs) 15 milliseconds minimum Holdup Time (time from ACFAIL# system failure signal is activated to when any DC output drops out of specification) 5 milliseconds minimum Operating Temperature: 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F) Fan tray attachment required for full capacity. See “Ordering Information.” For environmental specifications and compliance to standards (for example, FCC or European Union Directives), refer to Appendix A of the PACSystems RX7I Installation Manual, GFK-2223.

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